Workshop: Regenerative Design

Sep 26

Klub • By Anna Taws & Rikke Mikkelsen

Anna Taws is regenerative designer, a life and business coach and a regenerative practitioner. She helps companies to navigate around the marshes and develop strategies to get them standing on top of the mountain. Rikke Mikkelsen brings authenticity into businesses, for the better good of people and the Earth. She's a holistic designer, an empathic listener, curious questioner and strategist.

Workshop: Regenerative Design

As designers, we need to be aware of what we create is part of sustainable thinking. Everything you, as a designer do, has an effect on a large ecosystem. It’s vital to maintain awarerness of unintended consequences. We can take responsibility of the impact our work has on the planet and society: and we need a more ethical, social and sustainable approach to creating new products and services. While this may seem daunting, it will also be an exciting task- a new path to explore that will lead to new discoveries and ways of thinking about design and innovation.

Location: Klub, Linnésgade 25, Copenhagen
Date & time: Sep 26, 10 am – 1.00 pm


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